Training and Consultancy

Heal2Soul provides tailored training services to organisations and teams under two streams;

Our ‘Heal’ stream covers

- Dance, movement and the body; training for those who work clinically to support understanding of creative body based approaches including working with trauma, children and family work

- Trauma and your service; for teams wanting to understand how to work from a trauma informed perspective within their team or organisation

- Mental health and risk; for those wanting to build their teams understanding of mental health needs and how these can impact relationship

Our ‘Soul’ stream

- Vicarious trauma and impacts on the body when working with relational trauma stories, self care as a worker, therapist, coach within relational fields

-Reflective practice inclusive of body work

-managing teams within relational fields where exposure to trauma stories is common

Kimberly has provided training to social workers, school psychologists, childcare and preschools, primary schools, mentoring organisations, education professionals and child protection organisations around creating trauma informed environments, the importance of relationship and understanding trauma presentations and behaviour as communication as well as understanding the body in therapy, dance/movement psychotherapy as an approach and looking after our body as therapists and body as resource for therapists. Kimberly also acts as a lecturer and examiner for Graduate Certificates and Masters degree courses in Dance Movement Therapy in New Zealand

As part of the training package, we offer case consultancy and case studies matched to your environment and the option to add on a reflective practice and/or debrief session as part of the consultancy package

Heal2Soul can also offer workshops on self care and vicarious trauma with support to resource staff with somatic strategies for their own wellbeing

Kimberly is also an accredited clinical supervisor and is able to offer group supervision and incident debriefing where needed

We are able to travel to deliver training dependent on location. Please contact us to discuss your requirements, what can be offered and for a quote

Attendee testimonials

“An insightful, empathic and holistic training workshop on trauma informed practices like no other. Kimberly’s expertise and passion will inspire and motivate you and will give you the confidence as a professional to effectively make a positive difference in the lives of others”

— Parenting Support Worker


“Kimberly delivered this workshop with consideration for learning styles, the most valuable of which was the experiential activities which allowed us to understand how the theories work in practice. I would highly recommend Kimberly as a facilitator and would definitely attend training with her again”

— Counsellor

“Genuinely loved it. I know people sometimes give fluffy feedback that isn't true at times but I genuinely couldn't have wanted anymore out of this session. Great presenter and presented in a great way..”

— Educational Mentor


Kimberly has an extensive knowledge base and is very welcoming to questions. I left the training well informed and with a greater understanding around trauma and its impacts on both children and adults. I would highly recommend training with Kimberly and look forward to attending more training with her in the future

— Support Worker

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Training Developed and Delivered

-Relationships that heal; training provided to educational mentors around trauma informed programming and responses to support adolescents in OOHC

- Services that Heal; working with families with adolescents; training provided to child protection case workers in engaging and working in the family context where the child protection concerns are around adolescents

- Trauma informed care and case consultancy; consultancy provided to educational mentors, case workers, parenting workers, group workers

- Mental Health and Risk Assessment; training provided to case workers in child protection to support appropriate planning and service referral. Consultancy and Supervision package included

-Environments that Heal; training provided to preschool, and school settings as well as caseworkers, support workers and parenting workers around creating trauma informed practices and responding to trauma presentations in various settings

-Vicarious trauma and self care; training provided to counsellors, case workers and group workers to support working with trauma

-Dance/Movement Psychotherapy; what is it and how does it work?; training in understanding a creative and somatic approach to trauma work with counsellors, case workers, support workers, parenting workers

-Dance/Movement therapy models and case consultation; provided to counsellors around working with children who have experienced domestic and family violence

-Trauma, Domestic Violence and Children; training provided to various schools to support understanding the impacts of trauma on children and support creating safety at school

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Conferences presented at/delivery of workshops at conferences

-International Childhood Trauma conference 2021; presentation on therapy in child protection setting, abstract accepted for presentation (conference cancelled due to COVID)

-Thrive 2016, education and care services biannual conference; Supporting Wellness in Children with Trauma – Exploring Therapeutic Play Strategies; provided for Education and Care services including Early childhood Educators and school counsellors

-Attachment and trauma conference for children in care, Thurrock Local Authority 2014; -Caring for the Grown Ups; Trauma and Attachment in relationship with children in care; provided for foster carers, adoptive parents, social workers and Allied health professionals

Contact Us with your Training or Consultancy Enquiry
0491 036 930

Clinical Register Number; 26885

Clinical Register Number; 26885