“The mind is like the wind and the body like the sand: if you want to know how the wind is blowing, you can look at the sand”

Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

Heal2Soul is currently not accepting new referrals for therapy. We have an operational waitlist of up to 10months which you can request to be added to if you would like. Please contact with any questions you may have around this

Health funds will continue to cover online services as a permanent part of counselling services covered by your health fund

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I am a qualified psychotherapist specialising in movement and the body with over 12 years experience working within both the UK and Australia.

At Heal2Soul we accept self referrals or referrals from agencies and services as well as referrals through Victims of Crime, just get in contact via SMS, phone call or email and request an initial appointment either via phone, online platform or in person.

My work is informed through the lenses of movement analysis, developmental, attachment and neurobiological theories blended alongside psychodynamic and person-centered psychotherapy. Schedule a free 15 minute meet and greet to see how these approaches could benefit you.

Areas of Experience

I have experience working with infants, children and adolescents who have experienced trauma, in particular within the child protection and Out of Home Care spheres. I specialise in working with the child-caregiver dyad, caregiver-infant attachment and complex childhood trauma. I have worked within residential out of home care, youth and family homelessness refuge, domestic and family violence, statutory health and social care and juvenile justice services across the UK and Australia.  I have also worked extensively supporting parenting in child protection contexts through the spectrum of foster care, kinship care, short and long term placements, restoration to family of origin as well as pre and post adoption work. I have worked within school settings supporting children with a variety of challenges including those with neurodiversities such as Autistic Spectrum Condition and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, trauma presentations and behavioural concerns.

I welcome referrals from Out of Home care, Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) and agencies supporting foster carers, kinship carers and adoptive parents. Family work and supporting children comes in all forms and I welcome them all at Heal2Soul

Expressive and Creative Arts Psychotherapy

I am a qualified dance/movement psychotherapist and believe in working with the body and mind as a whole utilising the body’s wisdom within the therapy space. The most recent studies in trauma work have provided clear evidence that our experiences are stored within our body and that engaging in both non-verbal somatic and creative work alongside verbal processing work produces more positive outcomes from therapy than talking therapies do alone. Expressive Therapies is widely recognised as a safe, effective and evidenced based way to do this for all ages who have experienced trauma, mental health concerns and relational challenges or just want to deepen their understanding of themselves, relationships and coping strategies or find themselves struggling in an area of life and would like some support to work through this.

 Dance Movement Psychotherapy is defined by the Association of Dance Movement Psychotherapy UK (ADMPUK) as;

“Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP) recognises body movement as an implicit instrument of communication and expression. DMP is a relational process in which client(s) and therapist engage creatively using body movement and dance, as well as verbal and non-verbal reflection.

Dance Movement Psychotherapists offer embodied interventions that take into account the client’s lived experience in the context of the social system they live in, how they experience living in their body and relationship to their body, how they think about themselves and their relationships, as well as emotional responses that may be hard to put into words. Each Dance Movement Psychotherapist’s approach will be individual and underpinned by their own education and philosophical stance, but at the heart of this is the intrinsic belief in the inter-relationship between psyche, soma, and spirit.

When used in a psychotherapeutic context, dance movement is utilised for a range of neurological, psychological, relationship, and social problems. It also provides opportunities for people who wish to develop their own creative potential.” (ADMPUK website, what is DMP https://admp.org.uk/what-is-dance-movement-psychotherapy/)

Sessions including expressive therapy can utilise music, movement, rhythm, play and art creation to support you to reach set therapy goals as an individual (adult or child), couple, family or parent-child dyad. Sessions are client led and scaffolded by the therapist and you are never engaged in something you are uncomfortable with. Dance/movement psychotherapy requires no prior dance or movement experience to engage in, it is about the story in your body and not about ‘moves’ or ‘hitting shapes’. I pride myself in walking and dancing alongside you in your journey to support you to reach your goals as a family, couple, parent-child dyad or individual.

Dance/Movement psychotherapy falls under the umbrella of creative arts therapies or expressive therapies and is recognised as an Allied Health Profession under the Arts therapies category as well as a specialised form of counselling/psychotherapy

Parent-Child and Family Work

Dyad and family work utilises expressive and play therapy informed practice, including Theraplay informed practices, to support the building of attunement, engagement and trust in family relationships. This work is blended with expressive therapy modalities and psychotherapy practice to support families to enhance their communication, engage as a family and find enjoyment in spending time together

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Group Work

Structured group work can be provided for those that prefer a group setting, groups are provided for caregiver-child dyads with children under the age of 5 yrs focussed on dancing and playing together to enhance attunement and strengthen attachment building behaviours in the relationship

There is an ongoing waitlist for these groups as they require 4 families minimum to go ahead and last for 8 weeks at a time.

Please enquire to add your name to the list should you be interested in receiving updates about the next available dates

Circle Of Security Parenting (COSP)

Currently online only

I am a certified facilitator of Circle of Security Parenting facilitator. Circle of security Parenting is an internationally recognised parenting program that supports parents to understand their child’s emotional needs, support their child to successfully manage emotions, enhance the development of their child’s self esteem and support the building and maintenance of secure attachment

More information about COSP can be found here;


Bringing Up Great Kids (BUGK)

Currently online only

I am a trained facilitator of Bringing Up Great Kids, a parenting program developed by the Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF) that consists of sessions designed to support parents to gain fresh tools to build the best relationship they can with their children, strengthen communication and support the development of children’s positive self-identity. BUGK can be offered on a one to one basis if needed, but works best in a small group setting to build a network of those with shared experiences who can continue to support each other after the group ends.

More information about BUGK can be found here;



Tuning in to Kids (TIK)

Currently online only

I am a trained facilitator of Tuning in to Kids (TIK), an evidence based parenting program that focuses on the emotional connection between parents/carers and their children

More information about TIK can be found here


Heal2Soul holds ongoing waiting lists for COSP, BUGK and TIK. BUGK and TIK groups can run for 6 weeks with one hour sessions or 3 weeks with 2 hour sessions dependent on the needs of those wanting to attend. COSP runs for 8 weeks with 2 hour sessions.

Please enquire to add your name to the list should you be interested in receiving updates about the next available dates

All groups are COVID safe and run in accordance with any recommendations currently provided by NSW Health

Clinical Register Number; 26885

Clinical Register Number; 26885